Enterprise Readiness with Argus & HDP Champlain

Enterprise Readiness (REST APIs)

  • Currently, Argus policies can only be managed through GUI
  • Not a scalable model if there are large number of policies
  • Champlain work to expose REST APIs for the policy manager
  • Users can create/update/delete policies through these APIs

REST APIS AVAILABLE - Repository Management

REST API Request type Request URL*
Get Repository GET service/public/api/repository/{id}
Create Repository POST service/public/api/repository
Update Repository PUT service/public/api/repository/{id}
Delete Repository DELETE service/public/api/repository/{id}
Search Repositories GET service/public/api/repository

REST API’s exposed in Champlain - Policy Management

REST API Request type Request URL*
Get Policy GET service/public/api/policy/{id}
Create Policy POST service/public/api/policy
Update Policy PUT service/public/api/policy/{id}
Delete Policy DELETE service/public/api/policy/{id}
Search Policies GET service/public/api/policy

Enterprise Readiness (Audit Log Storage in HDFS)

  • Pre Champlain
    • Argus audit data only in RDBMS (mysql)
      • Issue with scalability
  • Champlain Release
    • Option to write to RDBMS (mySQL or Oracle), HDFS - Argus Audit Logs To HDFS - Log event is written to Local log file - Local log file will be copied to HDFS destination (when HDFS is available) - Local log file and HDFS file rotated at a regular interval - Design being enhanced
    • Addition of Log4j file appender
      • HDFS destination can be specified in the appender
      • Customer/Partners can add customer log4j appenders
    • Extensible HDFS LOG format
      • Available as JSON format

Reference www.hortonworks.com