Argus Features For HDP Champlain

Argus features for Champlain

  • New Components Support
    • Storm Authorization & Auditing ✔
    • Knox Authorization & Auditing ✔
  • Deeper Integration with HDP Stack
    • Windows Support
    • Integration with HDFS Auth API ✔
    • Integration with Hive Auth API, support grant/revoke commands ✔
    • Support grant/revoke commands in Hbase ✔
  • Enterprise Readiness
    • Rest APIs for policy manager ✔
    • Store Audit logs locally in HDFS ✔
    • Support Oracle DB

New Component Support (Storm)

  • Storm now support ACLs for authorization

  • Argus provides administration for these ACLs, also enables access auditing

  • Following permission support are enabled

Submit Topology Get Nimbus Conf
Kill topology Get Cluster Info
File Upload File Download
Activate Deactivate
Get Topology Conf Get Topology
Get User Topology Get Topology Info
Upload New Credential Rebalance

New Component Support (Knox)

  • Knox currently performs service level authorization (perimiter security)
    • Allow group or user access to specific REST API (WebHDFS, WebHcat, JDBC over http etc)
    • Can also restrict based on ip address
    • Permissions maintained in a file
  • Manage these permissions through Argus Portal
    • User experience similar to other components
  • Get access to auditing records in Argus portal
